Plate 293
Large billed Puffin
Although my learned friend Prince CHARLES BONAPARTE says in his Synopsis of the Birds of the United States, that this species is not uncommon in winter on our coast, I have only once met with it, and even then I rather supposed than was actually certain that the birds observed were Large-billed Puffins. They occurred on the outer side of the Island of Grand Manan, at the entrance of the Bay of Fundy. None were seen by myself or my companions on our way to Labrador, or in that country, so that I am unable to say anything respecting the habits of this remarkable bird. The specimens from which my figures were taken were kindly lent to me by Mr. GOULD of London, whose name must be familiar to you as a successful cultivator of Ornithology.
MORMON GLACIALIS, Bonap. Syn., p. 430
LARGE-BILLED PUFFIN, Nutt. Man., vol. ii. p. 541.
LARGE-BILLED PUFFIN, Mormon glacialis, Aud. Orn. Biog., vol. iii. p. 599.
Male, 13, 24 1/2.
Very rare, and in winter only, off the Bay of Fundy.
Adult Male.
Bill about the length of the head, nearly as high as long, exceedingly compressed, at the base higher than the head, obliquely furrowed on the sides. Upper mandible with a horny rim along the incurved basal margin, its dorsal line regularly curved from the base, the ridge very narrow but rounded, the sides rapidly sloping, and marked with three curved oblique grooves, the edges strong, rather sharp, their outline nearly straight, the tip deflected, very narrow, but obtuse. Between the basal rim and the first groove is a triangular flat space, in the lower part of which, close to the edge of the mandible, is the linear direct nostril. Lower mandible with the angle narrow, and so placed that the base is inflected much beyond the perpendicular, the dorsal line irregularly curved, towards the end ascending and nearly straight, the ridge narrow, broader about the middle, the sides nearly flat and grooved, the edges strong, the tip very narrow. The gap extends downwards a little beyond the base of the bill, and is furnished with a soft corrugated extensible membrane.
Head large, oblong, anteriorly compressed. Eyes of moderate size, with bare orbits; over the upper eyelid an oblong, tapering, horny body directed upwards and backwards, on the lower a linear body of a similar nature over its whole length. Neck short and thick. Body full and rounded. Feet short, rather stout; tibia bare for a short space above the joint. Tarsus very short, little compressed, anteriorly for three-fourths of its length with a series of small scutella, the rest with reticular angular scales. Hind toe wanting, toes rather long and slender, scutellate above, connected by reticulated entire membranes, the third and fourth toes about equal, the second considerably shorter, with a narrow marginal web. Claws strong, of moderate length, compressed, arched, that of the inner toe much curved and acute.
Plumage close, blended, soft, very short on the head. Wings curved, short, narrow, acute. Primary quills tapering, incurved, the first longest, the second a little shorter, the rest regularly graduated; secondaries very short and rounded. Tail very short, much rounded, of sixteen rounded feathers.
Bill bright orange-red, soft edges of mouth gamboge. Edges of eyelids orange-red; the iris and horny appendages light blue. Feet orange-red, with the webs paler, the claws yellowish-brown. The sides of the head and the lower parts in general, white; upper part of the head light brownish-grey tinged with lilac; a broad collar extending to the lower mandible, of a dark greyish-brown tint below, and gradually passing into the colour of the upper parts, which is brownish-black, glossed with blue; primary quills and their coverts blackish-brown, very slightly margined with paler.
Length to end of tail 13 inches, to end of claws 14, to end of wings 12 1/2; extent of wings 24 1/2; bill along the ridge 2 1/4, along the edge of lower mandible 1 5/8; depth of bill at the base 1 11/12, its greatest diameter 5/8; tarsus 1 3/8; middle toe 1 7/8, its claw 1/2.
Adult Female.
The female is precisely similar to the male.
For more on this species, see its entry in the Birds of North America Field Guide.