
How and Why Did Bird Migration Evolve?
April 19, 2022 — The drive for birds to migrate is at least partially genetic. How those genes developed—and how they function in modern birds—isn't fully known.
Oldest Known Roseate Spoonbill Identified Thanks to Lucky Photograph
April 18, 2022 — After closely examining images taken by photographer Mac Stone, experts were able to identify a spoonbill banded as a chick 18 years ago.
A close-up image shows a Yellow Warbler’s feather in great detail: yellow barbs photographed against a black background, with a brownish shaft running through the center of the feather.
The Bird Genoscape Project Aims to Unlock the Secrets in Birds’ Feathers
April 14, 2022 — Recent breakthroughs have allowed researchers from across the Western Hemisphere to begin building a DNA library filled with insights about where birds migrate and their resilience to mounting pressures.
A colorful illustration shows a phenology wheel—a scientific diagram that uses a series of concentric circles to show the alignment of sunlight, plant growth, and insect emergence. In this illustration, birds are flying chaotically around the wheel, showing their struggle to keep up with the advancement of spring.
A Matter of Timing: Can Birds Keep Up With Earlier and Earlier Springs?
April 13, 2022 — The seasons are changing as the planet warms. Some migratory species may break under the strain—but others could surprise us.
Two smiling children look at a small yellow bird, a Wilson's Warbler, held carefully by a scientist. One of the children gently touches the bird.
To Experience Migration in a New Way, Check Out a Bird Banding Station
April 13, 2022 — Visiting or volunteering at one of these sites can provide up-close avian encounters and a chance to contribute to valuable data collection.
Silhouettes of large birds fly across the a pink and gray sky in a line. A large full moon in centered in the frame behind them.
A Brief History of How Scientists Have Learned About Bird Migration
April 13, 2022 — Researchers today can follow birds' paths as they fly thousands of miles. But it wasn't always that way. Scroll through more than two centuries of advances in understanding this natural wonder.
A Lunar Eclipse Sheds Light On a Fascinating Behavior In Birds
April 11, 2022 — Recent research reveals that Black Swifts ascend to remarkable heights when the moon is full. Why they do so is more of a mystery.
Many Birds Are Shrinking and Growing Longer Wings as the World Warms. Why?
February 07, 2022 — A growing body of research suggests a warming world could mean smaller birds with longer wings, but nothing about the findings is settled.
A Magnetic ‘Stop Sign’ Tells These Birds Where to Nest
January 27, 2022 — Nearly eight decades of banding data help dissect how songbirds return to the same breeding territory year after year.
Climate Change or Habitat Loss? New Study Weighs Which Influences Birds More
January 21, 2022 — Ninety years of Christmas Bird Count data tease apart the effects of habitat loss and warming temperatures on winter bird distributions.