

ԼƵ’s Water initiative will focus on landscapes where both water quantity and water quality are paramount to birds’ survival. Affecting public water policies is one key aspect of our work, but policy alone won’t be enough to address these challenging issues. ԼƵ and its partners will engage the public on water-management and water-quality issues; restore habitats along rivers, wetlands, and deltas; and explore market based solutions that contribute to the achievement of our water goals.

Theory of Change

ԼƵ will focus its technical and policy expertise and bring our network to bear to influence water-management decisions; these should balance the needs of birds, people, and economies in targeted rivers, lakes, and deltas across the United States. By directing our resources and involving our technical experts and network, we will improve water quality and increase water flows to enhance the functioning of habitats across priority landscapes.

How to Get There

ԼƵ will:

  • Expand our knowledge of water needs for birds and other wildlife, and establish a solid foundation of information on the impacts of water scarcity and water pollution on birds.
  • Strengthen the ԼƵ network of members and partners to advance balanced water-management decisions that benefit birds, habitat, and people.
  • Engage our conservation team and network in on-the-ground restoration actions that support our water goals.
  • Develop and advance market-based mechanisms to provide flexibility in water-management decisions.
  • Expand international partnerships to address water issues on a hemispheric scale.

Measurable Goals

  • 20 percent increase in protected or managed habitat acres that are important wintering, breeding, or stopover sites for birds in key landscapes.
  • One million acres of land managed, restored, and protected in critical watersheds.
  • International, federal, and state policy actions that ensure adequate flows to critical ecosystems, including the Colorado River Delta, the Salton Sea, the Mississippi River and Delta, the Great Lakes, and the Greater Everglades.
  • 20 percent increase in federal and state funding or incentives to enhance water management and restoration action.
  • 250,000 people engaged in advocacy on water conservation measures.
  • 25,000 households participating in a new native habitat/xeriscaping program designed to reduce water consumption by 300 million gallons.
  • 75 chapters and 10 ԼƵ sanctuaries and nature centers engaged in advocacy, education, and on-the-ground actions.

Water News

Water Conservation Proving Successful as Colorado River Water Users Avoid Crisis Again
August 16, 2024 — Today’s Colorado River forecast underscores need for future conservation commitments.
Great Salt Lake Partners “Band Together” to Monitor American White Pelicans
August 02, 2024 — After 5-year hiatus, State of Utah Coordinates Gunnison Island Nesting Colony Tagging
ԼƵ Southwest Awarded Prestigious WaterSMART Grant to Restore the Lower Gila River
July 11, 2024 — In partnership with the Lower Gila River Collaborative, funds will advance restoration work along the Lower Gila River west of Phoenix to benefit birds and people.
The Monumental Effort to Understand Migrating Shorebirds
July 02, 2024 — Community science and ԼƵ bring unparalleled coordination to understand shorebirds and improve wetlands
Birders Flock to Great Salt Lake for Annual Birding Festival
June 20, 2024 — How birding festivals bring people together for birds and the habitats on which they depend